Interested in the premium domain name ?

Why use a premium domain name?

A domain name is much more than just a web address.
Its a permanent place where your clients can find you, read about your services and contact you.

A domain name is a vital part of your business marketing and branding.

Great Domains are memorable, easy to find and look proffessional.

A domain name differs from your other marketing expenses in that it is owned by you permanently, it is a valuable asset and it has potential to be branded and resold

Domain v Marketing Costs

After the initial purchase the cost of owning the domains is around £6 per year.
Not too expensive in comparison to other marketing costs.

Radio Advertising - Monthly cost of around -£2500 - £5000.
Billboard Advertising - Monthly cost in a major city of around - £500 - £2000.
Effective Google Adwords Campaign - Monthly cost of around - £300 - £12000 (depending on sector).